
To empower kinship caregivers by strengthening their capacity to help the children in their care thrive.
Who We Serve

Kinship caregivers including grandparents, relatives, and non-relative loved ones providing a parenting role and safe homes for children when the parents cannot.
How We Serve

We work with kinship caregivers to navigate barriers and access resources and supports they need for themselves and the children in their care.
Get Support
You are not alone. The MO KIN-4-KID program serves the entire state of Missouri and provides ongoing problem-solving support, quality information, case management, advocacy, and connection to services for kinship caregivers. Whether your kinship arrangement is a formal placement that involves the child welfare system or an informal agreement with the parents, we are here for you!

1-833-KIN-4-KID (1-833-546-4543)
Email: parentlink@missouri.edu
Text: 585-326-4591