Welcome to SchoolLink, the Missouri school professional’s source for trusted information, problem-solving support, and experience you can count on. SchoolLink is a cost-free space where school professionals can get what they need to make the right decisions, find support, and get connected.
Who We Are
SchoolLink strives to meet all school professionals where they are, providing support and information to improve productivity and the quality of professional life. We provide guidance for handling tough situations, insights on developmental contexts, and information to help students and families be successful. SchoolLink is your “one-stop shop,” where no issue is too large and no problem is too small.
We are…
EXPERIENCED with professional backgrounds in counseling, behavioral intervention, psychology, and educational leadership.
TRAINED to provide research-based information on trending topics and to ensure school professionals have the best strategies.
CONNECTED to educational systems, state agencies, and family-serving organizations that provide specialized assistance to school professionals and the students and families they support.
CONFIDENTIAL. Your privacy is extremely important to us.
Our WarmLine is the “front door” of SchoolLink, where you can find compassionate, experienced, masters-level professionals during school hours. They are a source of evidence-based information, referral, and problem-solving support. They are colleagues who can give you feedback on ideas, offer new insights, and help you connect to the best resources that meet your unique needs.
Hours: 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday
Call: 1-844-686-6854
Email: schoollink@missouri.edu
Social Media: @MOSchoolLink
Messages left on the evening line after hours will be returned the next business day, in
whichever format (text, phone, email, etc.) you prefer. There is never a cost for
SchoolLink services.
MU College of Education and Human Development
University of Missouri
2800 Maguire Boulevard
Columbia, MO 65211