The Heart of Missouri RPDC is homebase for Migrant / English Language Learning (MELL) Instructional Specialist Reah Morabith. With Missouri’s growing English Language Learner (EL) population, which is now about 5% of students enrolled in K-12, many districts are receiving their first ELs or are having students with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds enroll. The state is also receiving a large number of refugee students and newcomer/SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education) in areas that have not traditionally had ELs.
Support from the MELL program is at no cost to school districts and the professional development offered is tailored to each individual district or building. Some examples of support include the following:
· Site visits to help school districts enrolling their first ELs
· Coaching of individual teachers or teams
· Shadowing of ELs
· District-wide PD on strategies, methods and accommodations for ELs
· Newcomer strategies
· Guidance on grading/ICAP
· Interpretation of WIDA ACCESS scores
To join a community of professionals interested in supporting Missouri’s EL population, join the Missouri MELL Educators Region 2 Facebook Community. For more information on Missouri’s MELL program visit their website. For more information or to schedule support services, contact Reah Morabith at the information listed below.