Mizzou Ed Named as Partner in “100Kin10” STEM Teaching Force Effort
University of Missouri College of Education commits to advancing goal of recruiting, preparing, and retaining 100,000 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teachers by 2021
New York, New York, February, 2016 —100Kin10, a national network coordinating and accelerating efforts to bring 100,000 new excellent science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teachers into schools by 2021, has announced the University of Missouri College of Education has been accepted as a partner.

“We are very excited about joining the prestigious institutions involved in this coalition and the resources that will become available to us,” said Kathryn Chval, acting dean of the University of Missouri College of Education. “In accepting this invitation, we join other outstanding universities committed to STEM education including Harvard University, Penn State University, Purdue University, University of California, Berkeley and many others, as well as agencies, foundations and funders including the National Academies of Science, Change the Equation, U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Gates Foundation and NASA.”

“As part of 100Kin10, Mizzou Ed has committed to the ongoing professional education and retention of excellent STEM teachers and the preparation of outstanding pre-service STEM teachers,” said Troy Sadler, professor of science education and director of the ReSTEM Institute, a research center at the College of Education that will coordinate the college’s contributions to the 100Kin10 network. “”Mid-Missouri has many committed STEM education stakeholders and we look forward to partnering with them to accomplish our goals.”
More and better-trained STEM teachers are essential to preparing America’s students to fully participate in our democracy and to understand and respond to complex national and global challenges. To compete in the global marketplace and provide opportunity to all young Americans, all students—not just those fortunate enough to attend certain schools—must have basic STEM skills and knowledge. The College of Education is one of 49 new partners to join a network that now includes 280 of the country’s top businesses, nonprofits, foundations and academic institutions to help achieve the goal of 100,000 excellent STEM teachers.
“It is critical there be cross-sector collaboration to prepare today’s students to be the leaders of tomorrow,” said 100Kin10 Executive Director Talia Milgrom-Elcott. “We are excited for the many ways Mizzou Ed will contribute to our shared mission of getting more and better STEM teachers into American classrooms.”
100Kin10 partners have access to exclusive research, learning, innovation and funding opportunities, all designed to foster collaborative problem-solving and support partners in fulfilling their ambitious commitments towards 100Kin10’s shared goal.
Organizations are accepted as 100Kin10 partners following a rigorous vetting process conducted by a team of partner reviewers and a national selection panel of experts in education and STEM. Applicants are considered for partnership based on their organization strength and STEM and teaching expertise; clear, meaningful commitments toward the 100,000 STEM teacher goal; and interest in and capacity to build the 100Kin10 movement.
About 100Kin10
100Kin10 is an organization committed to recruiting, training and retaining 100,000 excellent science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teachers by 2021. 100Kin10 encourages multi-sector collaboration and provides the vision and resources to help nonprofits, foundations, academic institutions and businesses meet their ambitious commitments to educate the next generation of innovators and problem solvers. More information is available at www.100kin10.org.
A complete list of partners is available on the 100Kin10 website.