Room 1
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology
- School Counselor or School Psychologist
- Coaching/ Athletic Leadership
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Go to Room 1Room 2
Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
- Building/ District Administrator
- Higher Education faculty and staff
Zoom link:
Go to Room 2Room 3
Human Development and Family Science
- Family Liaision
- Family Life Educator
Zoom link:
Go to Room 3Room 4
School of Information and Learning Technologies
- Online Educator (K-12, H Ed, Corp)
- Learning Technologies and Design (K-12, Higher Ed, Corporate)
- School Librarianship/ Media Spec.
- School Technology Coordinator
Zoom link:
Go to Room 4Room 5
Learning, Teaching and Curriculum & Special Education
- Teacher Leader/Specialist (e.g., TESOL)
- District/ State Curriculum Leader
- TESOL/ Gifted Ed
Zoom link:
Go to Room 5