Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership (MEd)

This is an online degree program. For full information, go to Mizzou Online.
The online positive coaching and athletic leadership program is intended for all athletic coaches and sports coordinators who have completed a bachelor’s degree program and wish to pursue their master’s degree. The program is well-suited for athletic coaches at all levels of sport participation, as well as any individuals in educational or other settings, who provide instructional, leadership or counseling services to students or to others.
The required core courses focus on identifying and applying the most pertinent and impactful aspects of sport, coaching and positive psychology. The core courses also focus on leading individuals, teams and groups to experience the fulfillment and happiness associated with striving for and achieving excellence. Emphasis is on the understanding, skills and strategies of highly effective teaching, learning and leading.
The electives emphasize the development of professional knowledge and awareness of key topical issues and areas pertinent to preparing to serve as competent, caring and committed coaches for others.
Course topics include:
- Administration of athletics programs;
- Ethical and legal aspects of athletics;
- Athlete training and conditioning;
- Gender and multicultural issues in sports;
- Positive coaching;
- Positive interventions contributing to coordinated school health programs;
- Healthier total school or organizational environments.