Amanda Barner

  • Instructional Developer

Amanda Barner is an Instructional Developer at Mizzou Academy. She creates educational videos for teachers, students, and the department as a whole, as well as promotional and celebratory videos for events such as book launches, conferences, and Mizzou Academy graduation ceremonies. Developing both long and short-form content, Amanda is involved in filming, editing in post production, and providing closed captioning. She also advises on matters of graphic design and multimedia lesson development. Amanda graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelors in Digital Storytelling and a minor in Film Studies.

Certifications and Degrees:
B.A. in Digital Storytelling, Minor in Film Studies, Certificate in Digital Global Studies

Areas of Expertise

  • Develop video projects from conception to completion, specializing in post production and editing
  • Creating multimedia content
  • Collaborating with teams to capture interviews, lectures, events, and conferences
  • Brainstorming and thinking creatively about how to teach and promote Mizzou
  • Academy content