Benjamin Mason
- Associate Professor
Benjamin Mason, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Special Education in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Missouri. After a decade serving youth in psychiatric and educational settings, he completed his PhD in School Psychology (2012) from Texas A&M University with concentrations in Special and Bilingual Education. Dr. Mason’s research focuses on improving the lives of school-aged children, particularly those most at risk of school failure. He has engaged in two distinct lines of research: (1) developing and evaluating academic and behavioral interventions for students with mild disabilities, and (2) identifying and measuring psychosocial variables that impact students’ academic and behavioral success. This work has been funded for over a decade through a variety of federal agencies that include the Institute of Education Sciences, the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, and the Office of Special Education Programs.
Areas of Expertise
- Self-managed interventions for school-based youth
- Universal screening for emotional and behavioral challenges
- Reducing bias in school-based assessment
- Teacher beliefs and teacher-student relationship quality
- Meta-analytic methods for analyzing single-case data