Dawn Hesse

  • Pre-ETS Specialist – Northeast Region Coordinator

Dawn is a Pre-ETS Specialist in the Northeast region and also serves as the Regional Coordinator. She is a seasoned educator with over 35 years of experience. Before her current role as a Pre-Employment Transition Specialist, Dawn has served multiple roles in special education, including teacher, Director, and Department Chair and Coordinator, emphasizing post-secondary transition and trauma-based initiatives in the public-school setting. Dawn holds a bachelor’s degree in administration from the University of Missouri and a master’s degree in administration from Lincoln University. Throughout her career, she has received awards relating to transition. She is passionate about her work with students and believes transition-focused activities are vital to their success after high school.

Dawn serves the following school districts:  Francis Howell (Central, North, Union, Westwood Trail Academy); Lutheran (St. Charles); and Orchard Farm Bridges.