Jessica Rodrigues

  • Associate Professor

Dr. Jessica Rodrigues is an associate professor in Special Education at MU. Before joining the MU faculty, she completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California and earned her doctoral degree from the University of Delaware.

Dr. Rodrigues is the Principal Investigator on two National Science Foundation (NSF) grants—one of which is an NSF CAREER award. Her research interests include research communication for sharing mathematics-focused education research with wide audiences; mathematics screening for the identification of learners experiencing mathematics difficulty; developing and testing mathematics interventions; and supporting teachers’ mathematics understanding with professional development opportunities. In particular, her work seeks to support students’ and teachers’ fraction understanding. Dr. Rodrigues leads the Mathematics Potential Lab and mentors both undergraduate and graduate student researchers.

Areas of Expertise

  • Evidence-based mathematics interventions for students at risk for mathematics difficulties
  • Mathematics screening methods
  • Students’ and teachers’ fraction understanding