101D Townsend Hall
Columbia, MO 65211 - FishmanWeaverK@missouri.edu
- 573-882-5787
- Personal Website
- Curriculum Vitae
Kathryn Fishman-Weaver
- Executive Director
- Associate Teaching Professor
Dr. Kathryn Fishman-Weaver serves as the Executive Director of Mizzou Academy, the K-12 lab school at the University of Missouri. The school serves approximately 7,000 students annually from over 60 countries. This role has given her invaluable experiences in school leadership, cultivating global professional learning communities, leading educational conferences, and engaging in extended on-site work with international schools.
Dr. Fishman-Weaver began her teaching career as a special education teacher in Oakland, CA. Since then, she has taught and led programs in special education, gifted education, English language arts, and teacher preparation. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, a Master’s in Special Education, and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology.
A prolific and celebrated author, she has written numerous books in education including, Wholehearted Teaching of Gifted Young Women (2018), When Your Child Learns Differently (2019), Brain-Based Learning with Gifted Students (2020), Connected Classrooms co-authored with Stephanie Walter, and a book series on Teaching Women’s and Gender Studies in the middle and high school classroom co–authored with Jill Clingan. She is currently working on a new title with Routledge Press on Wholehearted School Leadership. She is a sought-after speaker on inclusive practices in schools and her work has been referenced by the U.S. Department of Education.
Dr. Fishman-Weaver also serves as an Associate Teaching Professor of community engagement and school leadership. Through this role, she teaches and coordinates courses for future teachers, supports undergraduate research through the honors college, and advises on doctoral committees. Locally, she is an active volunteer on issues related to food insecurity and youth advocacy, including her work as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for youth navigating the foster care system.
Certifications and Degrees:
- B.S. Sociology
- M.Ed. Special Education
- Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy
- Analysis
- K-12 Cross-Categorical Special Education
- K-12 Gifted Education
- 7-12 English Language Arts
- Elementary Administration
- Secondary Administration
- Mental Health First Aid Certification
- First Aid and CPR Certification
Areas of Expertise
- School Leadership
- Neurodiversity and Inclusive Classrooms
- Curriculum Development
- Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
- Educator Professional Development