Megan Dudas

  • Pre-ETS Specialist

Megan Dudas is a Pre-ETS Specialist on the Northwest team. She joined the program from her most recent role as an employment specialist for The Whole Person. She has also served as a paraprofessional for the Belton School District, an employment specialist for St. Louis ARC, and an ABA paraprofessional for the Special School District in St. Louis County. She has a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Central Missouri and a Master of Special Education from Fontbonne University. She is enthusiastic about working with individuals with disabilities.

Megan serves the following schools: Blue Springs High School; Independence (Truman, Van Horn, and William Chrisman); Independence Academy; Liberty (Liberty Academy, Liberty High, Liberty North); Nova Center; St. Michaels’ the Archangel; and Summit Christian Academy.