221M Townsend Hall
Columbia, MO 65211 - rmarra@missouri.edu
- 573-882-2877
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- Curriculum Vitae
Rose Marra
- Director and Professor - School of Information Science & Learning Technologies
Rose M. Marra is a professor in the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies at the University of Missouri.
Dr. Marra conducts research on the design and development of technology-enhanced learning environments for both face to face and web-based learning. Her particular emphases are on supporting complex learning with technology in the area of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education examining their impact on problem-solving and meta-cognitive development. Dr. Marra develops and teaches courses in the areas of the systematic design of instruction, meaningful use of technology in learning, online learning and serious games. In a “past life”, Dr. Marra was a software engineer for AT&T Bell Labs.
Areas of Expertise
- Design of innovative technology, learner-centered environments
- Assessment and Evaluation of Educational Change
- Design of Engineering and Science Education environments with emphasis in recruiting and retaining women and minorities
- Games for Learning (serious games)