Sarah Michaels

  • Instructional Developer

Sarah Michaels serves as an Instructional Developer with Mizzou Academy. She began working part time with Mizzou Academy in 2014 and discovered a passion for online systems and learning, which led to a transition to full time in 2022.

While working at Mizzou Academy, Sarah has discovered a passion and aptitude for course development and accessible content. She likes to make an impact behind the scenes. Sarah is currently working towards her Bachelor’s in Educational Studies at Mizzou and hopes to one day be a Subject Matter Expert in Accessibility.

Sarah is married with five children, 3 dogs, and a cat. She co-leads her daughters Girl Scout Troop and loves going on adventures, big and small.

Certifications and Degrees:
A.A. in Arts

Areas of Expertise

  • Working with different teams collaboratively
  • High level data entry and tedious tasks
  • Function testing within programs and systems
  • Course development
  • Creating interactive learning content