Principal Investigator
National Science Foundation, Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) $204,015 — 5 years
Examining Relationships Between Flipped Instruction and Students’ Learning of Mathematics
MU College of Education Co-Principal Investigators: James Tarr, Ze Wang, and Samuel Otten
National Science Foundation, Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings, $449,999 — 3 Years
Keith Herman
Curators’ Distinguished Professor hermanke@missouri.eduEvaluation of a Principal Training Program to Promote Safe and Civil Schools
MU College of Education Co-Investigators: Wendy Reinke, James Sebastian, and Francis Huang
National Institute of Justice, $4.135 million — 3 years
Wendy Reinke
Associate Vice Chancellor for ResearchCurators' Distinguished Professor reinkew@missouri.eduMU College of Education Co-Principal Investigators: Keith Herman, Francis Huang, and Sarah Owens
U.S. Department of Education (IES) $397,211 — 2 Years
Keith Herman
Curators’ Distinguished Professor hermanke@missouri.eduEvaluation of a Training Program to Promote Effective School Leadership
MU College of Education Co-Principal Investigators: James Sebastian and Wendy Reinke
U.S. Department of Education (IES) $3.29 million — 5 Years
MU College of Education Co-Principal Investigators: Katie Eklund
U.S. Department of Education (IES) $1.4 million — 4 years
EAGER: Research Design and Rigor in NSF funded Education
Principal Investigator
National Science Foundation, Improving Undergraduate STEM Education, $299,992 — 2 years
Behavior, Language and Literacy – Online (BeLL-O)
Principal Investigator
U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs, $250,000 — 1 year
Susan Empson
Emerita empsons@missouri.eduTheorizing and Advancing Teachers’ Responsive Decision Making in the Domain of Rational Numbers
Principal Investigator
National Science Foundation, Discovery Research K-12, $1.2 million — 2 years
Tim Lewis
Curators' Distinguished Professor LewisTJ@missouri.eduCenter on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Mod4 (Renewal)
Principal Investigator
U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs, $399,653 — 1 year
Project PRISM: Preparing Interdisciplinary Leaders in Science and Mathematics Special Education
Principal Investigator
US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs, $249,965 — 1 year
National Science Foundation, CISE Research Resources, $599,160 — 3 years
Erica Lembke
Associate Dean for ResearchCurators’ Distinguished Professor lembkee@missouri.eduSupporting Teachers’ Implementation of Data-Based Instruction in Early Writing: An Efficacy Study
U.S. Department of Education (IES)
Award to University of Minnesota, $3.2 million, MU subaward: $1.4 million – 4 years.
Lisa Dorner
Director of Cambio Center, Professor, PK12 Policy dornerl@missouri.eduSEE-TEL: Strengthening Equity and Effectiveness for Teachers of English Learners
Award to UMSL, $2.63 million, MU subaward: $787,963 — 5 years