The Office of Research Support assists faculty, staff, engagement units and graduate students in locating grant opportunities that match their research and program interests and needs. Please contact your appropriate grant writer for submission of any external grant. They will manage the process and ensure correct institutional information is included.
We support grant writing by:
- Finding funding sources that match research ideas using pivot, academic analytics (you can use this yourself), and a list of foundations
- Developing a proposal preparation timeline (and notification of department chair when approval is needed)
- Providing a checklist of grant components
- Referencing websites with specific resources
- Setting up meetings with Program Officers
- Providing samples of successful proposals or lists of investigators who have been awarded similar grants in the past, when possible
- Developing budget plans including a checklist of potential budget items (e.g., postdocs, space, computers, GRAs, travel, etc.), costs of specific items, and budget draft (revised as needed)
- Compiling and checking that all required components are included and properly formatted (PIs are ultimately responsible, but grant writers help)
- Drafting or providing boilerplate for non-project narrative components (e.g., human subjects, budget narrative, facilities)
- Review and editing of narrative (if time permits)
- Completing online application forms and application documents
- Managing the internal institutional approval process
- Serving as liaisons with the Office of Sponsored Programs for proposal submission
- Training of new PIs as “hand-off” to post award team
- Providing Lunch & Learn opportunities and other events that support grant writing
Timing is EVERYTHING. The more advance notice, the more support our office is able to provide.
Research Support Sharepoint Site
This limited access site includes resources such as pre and post-award manuals, sponsor forms and guildelines, FAQs, proposal intake form, and more. To request access, email cehdresearchsupport@missouri.edu.
Sharepoint SiteResources
- Using Human Subjects: The Campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) provides training and other resources for developing, submitting and getting approval for human-subject protocols for your research project. It is the responsibility of each investigator on a proposal to ensure he or she has completed the training and has IRB approval prior to funding.