Academic Scope and Sequence


Each MPER Scholars cohort will begin their two-year academic program in the fall. The program will encompass five semesters of coursework (fall, spring, summer, fall, spring) with two, three credit hour online courses each semester.

Maintaining Eligibility

Once accepted in the program, MPER Scholars must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better to remain in good academic standing according to graduate studies policies.

If an MPER Scholar drops below the required 3.0 GPA and is placed on probation, the MPER Scholar will lose his or her tuition discount and will be responsible for all tuition and student fees associated with the graduate course work until the MPER Scholar is removed from probation.

If an MPER Scholar is no longer employed as a full-time teacher of an MPER school district, the MPER Scholar will lose his or her tuition discount.

Financial Information

MPER Scholars

  • receive a salary from their employing district and receive a 50% tuition sponsorship for all program courses,
  • pay their own student fees and costs for all associated course texts and materials, and
  • are accepted into a master’s program, thus making them eligible to apply for FAFSA as independent students.