#MizzouMade Nancy Anzalone

Nancy Anzalone of California was looking for her next life challenge after retiring from a career in in the motion picture industry. She found the perfect fit: Mizzou SISLT’s master’s degree in instructional design.

#MizzouMade Shane Lowe

Shane Lowe came to Mizzou from Kearney, Missouri, to become an engineer, and he leaves to begin a career in education in North Carolina.

#MizzouMade Sandra Gomez

#MizzouMade Sandra Gomez will be headed to New York City to pursue her PhD after earning her master’s degree in counseling psychology.

#MizzouMade Niki Mitchem

Niki Mitchem, from St. Joseph, Missouri, never had a doubt that she would attend Mizzou as an undergrad. Now there’s no doubt she will be attending Mizzou as an MPER Scholars master’s student while she begins her teaching career.

#MizzouMade Kelley Fowler

Graduating senior Kelley Fowler has turned her international educational experience into a prestigious Fulbright teaching assistantship in Taiwan.

#MizzouEdMade Amanda Allen

#MizzouMade Amanda Allen will be an assistant professor of school psychology after earning her doctorate degree and completing a clinical experience at one of the largest school districts in the country.

Announcing Adroit Studios Gaming Lab

The School of Information Sciences and Learning Technologies is pleased to announce that Adroit Studios is officially open for business. Adroit Studios leverages game design, instructional design and game development into custom learning experiences for clients.

Embrace Fear and Jump In

One way to “face your fears” is to take the plunge. In one of Brandon Orr’s Applied Sport Psychology courses, students learn how to manage their mind: even when they’re facing down a ten-meter diving platform above 20 feet of water in the Mizzou Aquatic Center.