Transforming Natural Sciences at Mizzou
Get to Know THRIVE
We are working to disrupt current STEM practices, attitudes, and cultural barriers creating an inclusive environment in which students can THRIVE. Together we can create STEM cultures that continue to challenge the status quo. The cultural shifts we are experiencing create environments that become a place:
- To feel welcomed
- To feel fully included
- To feel empowered
The more we can help our STEM communities create this cultural shift, the more our students, teachers, and staff will THRIVE.
Join Us
Finding the right opportunity on campus to THRIVE can be an interesting search. We want to help make that a little bit easier – THRIVE is for everyone.
- For Students: Foster new leadership skills while helping to create positive inclusive STEM cultures right where you work, study, and play
- For Faculty: Let’s continue to challenge the status quo and further STEM inclusivity by extending our knowledge and taking new practices back to our students
- For Staff: Inclusive leadership development and policy change could advance all you do, so why not be at the heart of the shift MU is working to create
- For National Teams: Don’t let distance stop you from reaching out. Near or far, there is an opportunity to be involved in THRIVE’s national effort
Reach out to learn more! siegelm@missouri.edu or visit THRIVE’s website.
Siegel, M.A., Bae, Y., Morton, T.R., Ngai, C., Khajeloo, M., Mahapatra, S., Sharma, R., Nilon, C., & Schul, J. (2022, March). Building inclusive excellence in undergraduate science education through faculty learning communities: A study of five cohorts. Paper presented at the annual international conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Bae, Y., Du, A., Siegel, M.A., & Mahapatra, S. (2022, July 25-29). Building Transformational Resistance of STEM Graduate Students through an Inclusive Excellence Initiative. Paper submitted to International Organization for Science and Technology Education, Recife, Brazil.
Bae, Y., Siegel, M.A., Khajeloo, M., Morton, T.R., Nilon, C., Schul, J., & Shim, H. (2022, Accepted). College Students’ Sense of Belonging in the STEM Learning Ecosystem: Classroom, Department, and University Culture. Paper submitted for the 2022 NARST Annual International Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Khajeloo, M., Siegel, M.A., Bae, Y., Morton, T., Nilon, C., Schul, J., Ngai, C., Du, A. (2021, April). The Power of Faculty Learning Communities on the development of Inclusive Teaching in STEM Learning Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Orlando, FL.
Khajeloo, M., Taylor, J., Morton, T.R., Siegel, M.A., Schul, J., Nilon, C. (2020, March). New Majority Students’ Challenges in STEM Education and their Coping Strategies to Thrive. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR.
Khajeloo. M., Taylor. J., Morton. T. R., Siegel. M. A., Nilon. C. H., & Schul. J. (Under review). New Majority Students’ Challenges in STEM Education and their Coping Strategies to Thrive. Journal.
Morton, T.R., Bae, Y., Ngai, C., Nilon, C., Siegel, M.A., & Sharma, R. (2022, Accepted). When Disaster Strikes: Components of the Environment That Shape How New Majority students Navigate STEM During a Global Disruption to Life and Learning. Paper submitted to National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Siegel, M.A., Bae, Y., Morton, T.R., Nilon, C., Schul, J., Ngai, C., Khajeloo, M., Sharma, R., Mahapatra, S. (In Press). Faculty Learning Communities as a Route to Inclusive Excellence in STEM. Handbook of Faculty Development.
Grant Details
Teaching Focused
Enhance the inclusive capacity of instructors and advisors through:
- Team Mentoring with both inclusion and pedagogy experts
- Reflective Data and Video Interventions
- A resource library for inclusive teaching and mentoring
- Faculty Learning Communities
Student Focused
Enhance the inclusive learning environment of new majority undergraduates through:
- Developing intergenerational Peer Mentoring Networks
- Establishing Communities of Practice to enhance belonging and growth
- Implementing Leadership Development on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Synergizing with existing academic and extracurricular programming
Institution Focused
Enhance the inclusive culture of new majority undergraduates through:
- Team mentoring with both inclusion and pedagogy experts
- Developing a data repository and intervention training to enhance access to and understanding of student progress