Angie Hammons Celebrates 15 Years with the University of Missouri
Posted in: News
Earlier this month, the Mizzou Academy team surprised Angie Hammons at their all-team meeting to celebrate her milestone 15-year-anniversary with the University of Missouri.
Angie Hammons joined Mizzou Academy in 2018 as the Director of Curriculum and Instructional Technology. However, she has held many positions at the University, beginning in 2007 with an educational technology role at Missouri S&T.
Instructional Designer Julie Phelps has been on multiple teams with Angie. She remarked, “It’s hard to believe that I’ve known you longer than 15 years! There is a reason I’ve worked with you at 3 different jobs (eMINTS, S&T, Mizzou Academy). Thanks for all that you do to support everyone in the organization. I love working with you!“
Megan Lilien, who has served as a Lead Teacher with Mizzou Academy for many years, just moved into a new role on Angie’s development team. She remarked on many of the cornerstone qualities shared throughout the celebration, including Angie’s “dedication, calm nature, hard work, and humor.” Megan shared that she is looking forward to working more closely with Angie in her new role.
Consistent with many on the Mizzou Academy team, Angie traces her professional roots to public schools. Prior to joining the university, Angie served as a Middle and High School Teacher and Coach. She later moved into school administration where she worked as an Athletic Director, Assistant Principal, and Assistant Superintendent.
While all agreed that fifteen years was an accomplishment to be celebrated, Angie’s colleagues also shared that they look forward to many more years of working with her. Angie intends to do just that. She shared, “I love the moment we are in right now. I love working with the people at Mizzou Academy, particularly the Admin Team. We’ve worked hard, but we’ve laughed just as much. We’ve also cried together. This past year we’ve done so many amazing things. It’s also allowed me to meet so many amazing people. The people that work with Mizzou Academy are amazingly talented individuals. Everything that we’ve done wouldn’t be possible without each and every person at Mizzou Academy.”

Executive Director Kathryn Fishman-Weaver spoke for all when she said, “Angie, thank you for making our systems run better, our teams laugh, and for all the ways you keep bringing us together.”
Key projects during Angie’s time with Mizzou Academy include redeveloping the CoTeach program, establishing course and technology lifecycle processes, strengthening international partner relations and processes, and increasing automation across the technology systems.
Angie holds a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in Educational Administration. Yet, she acknowledges that learning does not stop at graduation. “Every day is a challenge,” says Angie. “At heart, I’m a learner, and I learn something new every day. My time at the university and with Mizzou Academy has been unbelievable. I’m a girl from a very small town, and the things I’ve done, been able to do, and have learned are so far beyond what I dreamed my life could be when I was growing up. Life is about learning and growing, and my time here has given me all of that.”
Congratulations, Angie! Thank you for all you do for Mizzou Academy.