Do you offer school rate pricing when schools pay course tuition? 

Loyalty or bulk enrollment incentives for schools are available. Individual school officials should contact us for more information.

How do I learn more about purchasing online curriculum?

Mizzou Academy is proud to offer options to schools who are seeking to expand curriculum. To learn more, please visit our Courseware Marketplace.

I am a school counselor, how do I check a student’s progress?

Counselors or the designated official at affiliate schools are encouraged to monitor students’ progress. Navigate to the Tiger Portal to use your login credentials. If your school is already a school affiliate or you are unsure, but you do not have access to the Tiger Portal, please contact us.

My school does not offer a certain class… can my students take it with you? Who pays for the class?

Students are encouraged to enroll for curriculum expansion. The party responsible for payment for the course will depend on the circumstances. In some cases, schools may pay for the course. Most frequently, however, when a student elects to take course of their own choosing the student/parent/guardian is responsible for payment. Regulations often vary by state and school district.

A student asked if I could proctor their exam. Where can I get more information?

Information specifically for schools is available on the Information for Proctors page. For a comprehensive list of options and procedures available to students for proctoring, please visit the Exam Proctoring page.

How do I process AP Courses? 

Schools using our AP courses should utilize the “Add Online/Distance Learning Provider” tool in their AP Course Audit account to properly document use of our authorized courses. The College Board’s online/distance learning provider three-digit code for the University of Missouri High School is 041.