The educational psychology program is committed to disseminating and developing knowledge and skills in human learning and cognition, development and motivation. We use quantitative and qualitative methods to study how thinking, motivation and behavior change across time.

We study how different social settings, such as classroom, family, work and peers, affect people’s well-being, learning and behavior. The study of educational psychology is relevant to teachers, coaches, athletes, nurses, counselors, software developers, trainers, social workers, program evaluators and administrators.

Educational psychologists attempt to:

  • Measure human learning and behavior;
  • Improve learning and motivation;
  • Understand how human development influences learning and well-being;
  • Understand how society influences learning and behavior;
  • Understand how what happens in school affects students’ development in other settings.

Recent graduates (since 2005) in educational psychology are employed at the following institutions:

  • University of Central Florida
  • Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research
  • Northeastern Illinois University
  • University of Missouri
  • University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • Borough of Manhattan Community College

Some students acquire internships at ETS and ACT.


Degrees are in educational, school and counseling psychology with an emphasis in educational psychology:

Master’s planner
Doctoral planner