Our program areas house a variety of degrees and certificates:

Graduate Student Handbook


Master of Education (M Ed)

Education Specialist (EdSp)

Graduate Certificates

Certificates & Minors

Dual Degree

We also offer a dual degree master’s program with National Taiwan Normal University and Beijing Normal University.

Graduate Degrees by Subject

Emphasis Degree Offered
Counseling Psychology
Educational Psychology
Mental Health Practices in Schools
Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership
School Counselor, Elementary
School Counselor, Elementary and Secondary
School Counselor, Secondary
School Psychology
Statistics, Measurement & Evaluation in Education
Emphasis Degree Offered
Emphasis Degree Offered
Counseling Psychology
Educational Psychology
School Counselor, Elementary
School Counselor, Elementary and Secondary
School Counselor, Secondary
School Psychology
Statistics, Measurement & Evaluation in Education
Emphasis Degree Offered
Educational Psychology
Mental Health Practices in Schools
Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership
School Counselor, Elementary
School Counselor, Elementary and Secondary
School Counselor, Secondary