Alumni Spotlight: Eliot Boden, MA-LIS (‘13)

Eliot Boden is a 2013 graduate of the library and information science program at the MU School of Information Science & Learning Technologies. Currently, he is the Instructional Technology Librarian at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Effective June 1, he will serve as the Assessment Librarian at Webster University.

Alumni Spotlight: Nancy Bolt, MA-LIS (’72)

Nancy Bolt is a 1972 alumna of the library and information science (LIS) program at the MU School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT). She is currently the owner and president of a library consulting company, Nancy Bolt & Associates. Prior to her entrepreneurial pursuits, she served as State Librarian in Colorado for 18 years.

Assistant Professor Sarah Buchanan wins Richard Wallace Grant

Assistant Professor Sarah Buchanan has won the Richard Wallace Faculty Incentive Grant! Through this grant, Dr. Buchanan will be collaborating with the department of Classical Studies to create the first directory to the archival papers (archives) of American classicists and classical archaeologists. Scholars’ papers are dispersed across place and time, and this work will reveal […]

SISLT Welcomes New LIS Faculty Member, Sarah Buchanan

Sarah Buchanan joins the iSchool as an assistant professor in the Library and Information Science program. Buchanan studies the information work activities of archivists, curators, and community members towards enhancing the storytelling potential of archaeological collections. Her areas of research and teaching include digital humanities, archival science, museum studies, and more broadly issues of data […]

Welcome to Dr. Sarah Buchanan, New LIS Faculty Member

SISLT is excited to welcome Dr. Sarah Buchanan to the LIS faculty. She comes from the University of Texas at Austin, where she has completed her Ph.D. in Information Studies at the School of Information and has worked as an archivist in the Department of Classics. Sarah received her B.A. with Distinction in Classical Studies […]